
15 Mar, 2020

Boost your Immune System!

2022-11-29T10:43:55+00:00March 15th, 2020|

Protecting the Immune System

From the teachings of

Traditional Chinese MedicineTCMand Current western thinking

  • Get a good night’s sleep
    • It will help if you
      • Go to bed earlier
      • Avoid looking at computer screens 2 hours before bed
      • Have camomile tea or other similar soothing […]
2 Oct, 2019

Therapy Soup! It’s that time of year…

2020-01-27T10:18:58+00:00October 2nd, 2019|


This excellent soup is wonderful for helping you to get rid of coughs and colds and protecting you from further bugs.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine garlic and onions are used to expel bacteria and viruses and to nourish our Lung Qi, which helps boost immunity. […]

3 Nov, 2018

At A Fertility Crossroads? Acupuncture Can Help

2020-01-27T10:19:04+00:00November 3rd, 2018|

When you’re trying to conceive and not getting anywhere, you can reach a point where you simply don’t know what direction to go in next.  Do you keep TTC naturally?  Try Clomid? Consider IVF? There are a bewildering array of fertility choices and sometimes this can cause us to feel […]

24 Oct, 2018

Children’s Acupuncture

2020-01-27T10:19:08+00:00October 24th, 2018|

Acupuncture has alot to offer even the littlest patients.  It’s gentle, effective and quick and children really love it.  We use lots of moxibustion with children (they love this too) and extremely gentle in-out needling techniques which means that they often don’t even realise they’ve had acupuncture.  In this clinic […]

23 Oct, 2018

All Of A Tingle! Electroacupuncture For Pain Relief

2020-01-27T10:19:17+00:00October 23rd, 2018|

Electroacupuncture (EA) is great for boosting the potency of acupuncture especially when there is pain.  Research abounds looking at the benefits of EA on pain relief – much of it focusing on the biomedical / biochemical reasons why it works.  We know that it interferes with the pain signals and […]

16 Oct, 2018

When Good News Doesn’t Feel So Good

2020-01-27T10:19:22+00:00October 16th, 2018|

When you’re trying to conceive but not getting pregnant it can be incredibly difficult to hear pregnancy announcements.  You want to be happy but inside it can feel like a hundred tiny knives in your heart.  Really, really tough.  Some of the women who visit my clinic tell me that […]

15 Oct, 2018

Can Acupuncture Help Me With Grief?

2020-01-27T10:19:30+00:00October 15th, 2018|

In Chinese Medicine grief, especially if it is prolonged, can disrupt the energy of the Lung.  In Chinese Medicine the Lung is known as the sensitive organ and when we are unable to process our grief it can disrupt the energy of the Lung, causing imbalance and disorder.  When someone […]

12 Oct, 2018

World Egg Day 2018

2020-01-27T10:19:35+00:00October 12th, 2018|

Over the years I have worked with lots of women who need donor eggs to achieve their dream of a family.  In every case, these women have been through multiple rounds of IVF – rounds which often fail to produce many (sometimes any) eggs or if they do, the eggs […]

11 Oct, 2018

Autumn is Here (and Here in The Clinic!)

2020-01-27T10:19:43+00:00October 11th, 2018|

Every season I change the artwork in the clinic to reflect what’s going on outside the window. I do this because it’s important in Chinese Medicine, and life generally, to live – as best we can – in harmony with the seasons.  Autumn is all about change;  the change from […]

26 Jul, 2017

New research says acupuncture associated with prevention of migraine

2020-01-27T10:19:49+00:00July 26th, 2017|

It’s estimated that in the UK each day, approximately 190,000 people suffer with migraine. That’s a huge figure and the cost to the NHS is also huge (about £150m per year in doctors visits and prescription medication). It also has a knock-on effect on work or school with absenteeism thought […]

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