Details of a study published in The Sun newspaper today showed that acupuncture is more effective than fertility drugs in some causes of sub and infertility.
“WOULD-BE mums should consider acupuncture with a recent study finding the treatment is better at helping women fall pregnant than fertility drugs. The alternative treatment was compared to popular drugs used to boost ovulation with scientists finding acupuncture increased the chance of pregnancy to 43.3 per cent compared to 20 per cent through the medication” says The Sun newspaper.
UK expert Dr Luciano Nardo, a consultant gynaecologist and specialist in reproductive medicine, said acupuncture could be beneficial for patients and unlike medicines, does not cause side effects.
We acupuncturists have long known the positive impact on fertility and pregnancy rates from having this incredible treatment. So if you or someone you know is struggling to conceive that longed-for baby, get in touch with your local acupuncturist and see what this amazing medicine can do for you.